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Customer Testimonials

“Wida Group made us a website we are excited about and proud of. Their help support and expertise were invaluable and they continue to support us with SEO optimisation. We are so pleased we chose to work with Wida and look forward to continuing our working relationship.”

Anthony Moore Moores Metals

  • The Wida Group have given my online business a much-needed leg-up! After a slow start trying to tackle things like Google PPC and social adverts ourselves, the move to the Wida Group has proved a success.

    Paul and the team are highly responsive to our requests, always honour our input into the work and turn around can be almost immediate for some tasks.

    All in all, I am very happy with the service and work provided and look forward to a long fruitful relationship.

  • Rainbow Waste

    Paul and his team have made a huge difference to our online sales since using the SEO service. I recommend them without reservation.

    Chris Hill, Director, Rainbow Waste

  • Smith and Jones Engineering

    I am really pleased with our new website it does look great! And I am looking forward to working with you all as the journey continues ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • Three Spires Safety

    Thank you so much, itโ€™s good to be able to get someone who can sort these things easily, quickly without a load of techie jargon !!

    Rob, Three Spires Safety

  • CME Jewellery

    Just thought you'd like to know that we had a phone call earlier today from a lady who described our website as "inspirational and so easy to use"!

  • Mick Clarke - WePack

    Thank you for your “refreshing email Sam !!"

    It is lovely to see an MD who cares after the sale has been made and I personally appreciate this!